SWOT Analysis for Walmart

An example SWOT for Walmart

Strengths for Walmart

Strong market share
Clear value proposition
Broad product range
Great value products
Attractive store design/layout
Clear market positioning
Lots of key locations
Broad market appeal
High brand awareness
Perceived as the market leader
Strong market share
Good bargaining power with suppliers
Sought after channel partner
Cost leadership advantage
Beneficial economies of scale
Low-cost logistics system
Stable cash flows
Highly cost efficient
Valuable customer database information
Global coverage and reach

Weaknesses for Walmart

Mixed quality staff
Targeting price elastic markets
Low quality products
Have to price under the market
Many negative attitudes to the brand
Poor ratings on review websites
No strong relationships with influencers

Opportunities for Walmart

Leverage our superior logistics system
Use automation to improve performance
Data mining of our customer  database
Develop a customer relationship culture
Further develop our sales/service team
Build stronger customer relationships
Increase customer loyalty
Target niche markets
Broaden  our product range to offer multiple price points
Build product value to increase unit margins
Develop products for the global market
Broaden our geographic reach
Extend our brand into new areas (brand extension)
Expand our number of stores/outlets
Acquire a competitor’s successful brand
Improve attitudes towards our brand
Promote an “environmentally-aware” corporate image
Build relationships with influencers
Utilize key sponsorships to broaden our brand

Threats for Walmart

Being too slow to adapt to change
Our business model becoming outdated
Rising fixed costs
A disconnected, and less loyal, customer base
Changes in consumer spending patterns
Consumers becoming more demanding
Declining share-of-customer
Becoming overly price competitive
Inability to grow the customer base long-term
Loss of market share
Poor publicity in the media
Being perceived as slow and outdated
Limited corporate social responsibility brand image
Negative attitudes to the brand
Competitors providing more “value add”
Disruptive new competitors
New international competitors emerging
Declining economic conditions
Government de/regulation

SWOT Example for Walmart (Image)

example SWOT for Walmart

Walmart’s Strategy Overview

Every Day Low Price (EDLP) is the cornerstone of our strategy, and our price focus has never been stronger. Today’s customer seeks the convenience of one-stop shopping that we offer. From grocery and entertainment to sporting goods and crafts, we provide the deep assortment that our customers appreciate — whether they’re shopping online at Walmart.com, through one of our mobile apps or shopping in a store.

Source: About Walmart


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