What is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer value?

 Customer Satisfaction (CSat) and Customer Value are Different Concepts in MarketingCustomer satisfaction and value are both fundamental concepts in the understanding of marketing. It is important to note that while they are highly interrelated, they also operate independently.Essentially, value is when a consumer perceives that they will get a good deal from the company, brand, […]

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Why under-promising and over-delivering is a poor strategy

 Don’t Under-promise and Over-deliver!It’s a common cliché to under-promise and over-deliver, which even some marketing consultants and professional speakers have tended to suggest. The problem with this approach is that it is based on a very simplistic understanding of the customer satisfaction model and is a very poor strategic choice for a firm.Let’s start at

Why under-promising and over-delivering is a poor strategy Find Out More...

Limitations of Customer Satisfaction

What are the Limitations of CSat? (Customer Satisfaction)As we know, there are many benefits of customer satisfaction and many firms strive to maximize their CSat scores. In service firms in particulars, customer satisfaction is often their key marketing goal (and most significant marketing metric) that is regularly tracked and assessed.However, there are a number of

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Disconfirmation Model of Customer Satisfaction

 Introduction to the Disconfirmation Model of Consumer SatisfactionEssentially customer satisfaction is the consumer’s evaluation of how well the firm (usually a service firm) has lived up to their promises. As outlined in the general discussion of customer satisfaction, consumers compare their initial expectations of likely value against their perception of the actual value they received

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Benefits of Customer Satisfaction

 Key Benefits of Customer Satisfaction in MarketingCustomer satisfaction is a fundamental concept addressed in all marketing textbooks and many organizations consider it the most important marketing goal, because it should deliver ongoing customer loyalty and resultant enhanced profitability.But there are actually many more benefits of customer satisfaction, as shown and discussed in the following table:Benefits

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Customer Value

 What is customer value?Customer value is a fundamental concept in the study of marketing and is usually covered in the opening chapter of a marketing textbook.Virtually all organizations strive to deliver good overall value for both their current and potential customers value. Without providing true customer value firms will be unable to attract and retain

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Customer Satisfaction in Marketing

 Understanding Customer SatisfactionCustomer satisfaction is a fundamental concept in modern marketing. In many organizations, customer satisfaction is considered the most important marketing metric, primarily because it is considered a key driver of customer loyalty and bottom-line financial performance.In most cases, customer satisfaction is more important to service firms (as opposed to manufacturers). This is because

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