Why services are different

Service marketing is a different subject in university and/or the different chapter in a marketing textbook because there are distinct challenges in marketing services as opposed to marketing physical products (goods).When marketing courses and textbooks were first developed, they primarily focused on the marketing efforts of manufacturers selling a physical product through a distribution channel

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Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) and their impact on the firm’s performance

In the Journal of Marketing in 2008, Pravin Nath and Vijay Mahajan published their study of the impact of chief marketing officers on the business performance of a firm.Here is the link to the Journal of Marketing website and the relevant journal article – you may be able to access this article via your university

Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) and their impact on the firm’s performance Find Out More...

Additional benefits of a marketing plan

 Why having a marketing plan will be beneficial to the firmIn addition to documenting the plan itself and outlining the various action tasks, a marketing plan can actually provide other benefits to an organization.Key “extra” benefits of a marketing planIt is a very effective communication tool – particularly upwards to senior management about what will

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