Consumer Products Classification System

The consumer products classification system is a model commonly presented in most marketing principles textbooks in the product mix chapter. This model classifies as consumer products into one of four classes, namely:Convenience productsShopping productsSpecialty productsUnsought productsThere are numerous articles discussing the consumer products classification system on this website, please refer to Related Topics at the […]

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Product at the center of the marketing mix

The importance of product in the marketing mixMarketing textbooks typically list all four elements (that is, the 4P’s) of the marketing mix equally in their diagrams. However, these textbooks usually structure product as the first chapter of the marketing mix. This clearly indicates there is some hierarchy to the importance of products in the overall

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Why Use a Brand Persona?

Brand personas are commonly used in customer journey mapping, but are generally helpful in most aspects of marketing strategy development. This is because a brand persona – which is a representation of the typical customer in a target market – helps the firm more clearly understand the consumer.Generally firms will develop multiple brand personas –

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Brand Personas

Using Brand Personas in Customer Journey MappingA fundamental principle of modern day marketing is to segment the market and select appropriate target markets. For more information on the market segmentation process, please refer to the market segmentation study guide.Target markets are smaller parts of the overall market, where consumers are grouped into sets of similar

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Main phases of a customer journey

Three main phases of a customer journeyCustomer journeys, particularly for high involvement purchases, may take years to lead to a purchase decision. For example, a young consumer buying their first brand new car would have years of experience of seeing cars, seeing promotional campaigns and product placement, being involved in discussions regarding motor vehicles, using

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Understanding the Limitations of CSat

 There are a number of limitations of customer satisfaction in terms of relying too heavily on this marketing metric. It is, therefore, important to understand the various limitations in order to utilize the results of CSat research/scores appropriately.Expected versus delivered value is being measuredThe basic premise of customer satisfaction is that it is the customer’s

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Difference between Positioning and a Value Proposition

 A key aspect of a successful marketing strategy is the clear definition and communication of a sought-after value proposition. A good way to think about the firm’s value proposition is consider what is different and beneficial about the firm’s (or brand’s) offering/s in the marketplace.Difference between Positioning and a Value PropositionIn business life, it is

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