The Introduction Phase of the the PLC

Key marketing challenges in the introduction phaseOne of the key marketing challenges in the introduction phase of the product life cycle (PLC) is to clearly communicate the advantages and benefits of the new product offering, relative to existing products in the marketplace. This requires a significant and targeted communications program – typically targeting consumer innovators.As […]

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Innovators and the Introduction Stage of the PLC

The introduction phase starts with innovatorsMarketers of new products seeking to gain traction for their offering are reliant upon a category of consumers that are classified as “innovators”. Innovators are consumers that are far less influenced by word-of-mouth for a particular product category. Typically innovators have a high level of interest in the product category

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Introduction Phase of the PLC Contains New-to-the-World Products

New-to-the-world products onlyWhen we look at the product life cycle, we are generally considering products that are new to the marketplace. That is, these are products that are not normally purchased by consumers. We are not looking at products that are new to the firm, but are new to the market.Therefore, in the introduction phase,

Introduction Phase of the PLC Contains New-to-the-World Products Find Out More...

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