Challenges of product repositioning

 In the classification of new products, product repositioning is considered to be a new product task. There are a numerous challenges and benefits associated with product repositioning as discussed in the following article. Please refer to a separate article for the benefits of repositioning, as well as an example of repositioning.What is product repositioning?Product repositioning […]

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National Australia Bank Repositioning Case Study

NAB’s Repositioning in the Australian Banking MarketThis video highlights a major campaign undertaken by the National Australia Bank (NAB). As you will see, this is probably one of the best executed campaigns that you will see, given that it uses so many different communication tools and its core message was effectively communicated in a very

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The difference between advertising and integrated marketing communications

 When I was a marketing student, a long time ago, I did not study integrated marketing communications. Instead, I studied advertising and sales management as separate subjects. That was the way it was taught in university and that was the way it was practiced in real organizations. (In the sales/promotion era of marketing.)For most of

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Example of a product repositioning

 Probably a good example of a product repositioning exercise is Mother Energy drink in Australia, which is a Coca-Cola brand. When it was first introduced into the marketplace, driven by Coca-Cola’s goals be a market leader in the energy submarket, the overall launch campaign was well executed.All the marketing mix elementsLaunch campaign is a good

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Positioning Example: Banks versus Credit Unions

 A Good Example for Understanding PositioningPositioning is how the firm or brand wants to be perceived by consumers relative to its competitors. It is a very important topic in the study of marketing and usually forms the basis of a firm’s competitive strategy. Typically the firm structures its entire range of  marketing mix elements around

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