How to Improve Brand Awareness

Main Ways to drive Brand Awareness

Various forms of advertising

Advertising still remains a good way of boosting brand awareness. This includes traditional media outlets like television, radio, and print, as well as digital platforms like Google Ads and social media ads.

Effective advertising is a blend of creative messaging, compelling visuals, and strategic targeting to reach your desired audience.

New product displays and demonstrations

Live demonstrations of your product or special displays at strategic locations can engage customers and make your product memorable.

These initiatives are effective in explaining complex products, showcasing product effectiveness, and interacting directly with potential customers.

Free samples

Giving out free samples allows potential customers to experience your product without any financial risk, which can lead to increased sales and word-of-mouth marketing. Free samples can effectively generate interest, foster trust, and influence purchase decisions.

Blogger reviews and YouTube videos

Collaborating with bloggers or YouTubers whose audiences align with your target demographic can drive brand recognition.

Their followers trust their opinions, so a positive review can significantly influence perceptions of your brand and products.

Social media

A well-executed social media strategy is a must for brand awareness in today’s digital world. Engaging posts, customer interaction, and sharing valuable content can foster a community around your brand and expand your reach.

SEO efforts

By optimizing your website and content for search engines, your brand becomes more discoverable online. A well-executed SEO strategy can increase your brand’s visibility, drive traffic to your site, and boost brand awareness.

Own website promotion

Your website is a central hub for information about your brand and products. Make sure it’s easy to find and navigate, offers valuable content, and communicates your brand story effectively.

YouTube influencers

Similar to blogger reviews, working with YouTube influencers can introduce your brand to their large and engaged audiences. These collaborations can significantly boost your brand awareness and credibility.

Publicity stunts (media attention)

These bold and creative marketing ploys can attract significant media attention and generate buzz. While they can be high-risk, a successful stunt can quickly and dramatically increase brand awareness.

Internal sales team efforts

Your sales team plays a crucial role in promoting your brand to potential and existing customers. Through direct interactions, they can communicate the value and benefits of your brand, driving recognition and loyalty.

Direct marketing to existing customers

Leveraging your existing customer base can be an effective way to spread the word about your brand. Offer incentives for referrals, or encourage customers to share their experiences online.

Telemarketing efforts

Despite being seen as an older marketing strategy, telemarketing can still effectively generate leads and boost brand awareness when done right.

Launch event

These can generate buzz and media attention. Attendees can experience your product first-hand and become ambassadors for your brand.


By sponsoring events, teams, or individuals, your brand can gain exposure and associate itself with specific values or causes, further increasing brand awareness.

Increasing retailer take-up (people seeing the product in-store)

The more retailers stock your product, the more opportunities consumers have to come across and buy it, boosting your brand visibility.

Through sales promotion tactics (typically in-store)

Offering discounts, special offers, or incentives can attract customers and increase brand exposure.

Media articles (media releases)

Press releases or feature articles in relevant publications can raise your brand’s profile, establish credibility, and reach a wide audience.

Online reviews

Positive reviews can increase your brand’s credibility and make it stand out among competitors. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews online.

Word-of-mouth from friends/family

Recommendations from friends and family are highly trusted. Create a customer experience worth talking about to stimulate this type of promotion.

Online comparison sites

These sites are popular among consumers looking for the best deal or product. Ensure your product is listed and well-reviewed to increase its visibility.

Retailer salesperson’s recommendations

Build strong relationships with retailer salespeople so they understand and can effectively communicate the benefits of your product to consumers.

Seeing the product in use by other people/consumers (following trial)

This provides social proof that others trust and find value in your product, which can positively influence potential customers’ perceptions.

Product placement (TV/movies)

Strategic product placement in popular media can subtly increase brand awareness and desirability.

Podcast Sponsorships

Podcasts are increasingly popular, and sponsoring relevant podcasts can introduce your brand to a large, engaged audience.

Webinars and Virtual Events

By hosting webinars or virtual events, brands can share their knowledge, connect with their audience, and raise brand awareness.

These platforms offer direct interaction with consumers and the opportunity to answer questions and provide valuable insights.

Affiliate Marketing

Partner with relevant websites or influencers who can promote your brand or products to their followers. They earn a commission on any sales generated through their unique affiliate link, providing motivation to promote your products effectively.

Community Outreach and CSR Initiatives

Engaging in community service or corporate social responsibility initiatives can significantly improve brand image and awareness.

Such activities show that your brand values more than just profit, which can resonate deeply with consumers.

Guest Posting

Writing articles or blog posts for other relevant websites or blogs can expose your brand to a new audience and improve your SEO through backlinks.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborating with complementary brands on joint campaigns or products can double your reach and introduce your brand to a new audience.

Referral Programs

Encouraging satisfied customers to refer friends or family members in exchange for rewards can stimulate word-of-mouth marketing and increase brand awareness.

Trade Shows and Conferences

Participating in trade shows or conferences relevant to your industry can put your brand directly in front of interested consumers and businesses.

This offers opportunities for networking, showcasing your products, and increasing visibility.


Creating games or interactive content related to your brand can be a unique and engaging way to capture consumer attention and increase brand awareness.

Influencer Meet and Greets

Hosting events where fans can meet their favorite influencers associated with your brand can create a memorable experience and drive social media buzz.

Experiential Marketing

Creating unique, interactive experiences can leave a lasting impression and generate social media shares. This could include pop-up shops, immersive events, or VR experiences.

Mobile Apps

Creating a branded mobile app can keep your brand at the fingertips of your customers, providing them with a convenient way to interact with your products or services.

Loyalty Programs

These encourage repeat business and can turn your customers into brand advocates. Offering exclusive benefits or rewards can make customers feel valued and increase brand loyalty.

Branded Merchandise

From T-shirts to mugs to pens, giving away or selling items with your brand logo on them can serve as a constant reminder of your brand.

Vehicle Wraps

Advertise your brand on the go with vehicle wraps. Whether it’s a full fleet of trucks or a single company car, this moving billboard approach can grab a lot of attention.

QR Codes

You can use QR codes on your products or promotional materials to give customers easy access to additional online content about your brand.

Celebrity Endorsements

A well-known personality endorsing your brand can boost its recognition and credibility.

Local Partnerships

Joining forces with local businesses for special deals or events can introduce your brand to a new, local audience.

Charity Sponsorships

By sponsoring a local charity event, you not only show support for a good cause but also get your brand in front of a broader audience.

Online Contests

Host a contest on social media, inviting users to participate by sharing your content, creating user-generated content, or using a specific hashtag. This can significantly increase your brand reach.

Interactive Infographics

Share complex data or tell an interactive brand story with a creative and engaging infographic.

Viral Marketing

Create content that has the potential to go viral. This could be a unique, funny, or heartwarming video, image, meme, or story.

Chatbot Marketing

Deploy AI-driven chatbots on your website or social media platforms to engage visitors, answer their questions, and direct them to relevant products or services.

Newsletters and eNews

These communication tools can be used to keep your audience updated about your brand, your products, and any news or developments.

They foster customer engagement and keep your brand at the forefront of subscribers’ minds, promoting both brand awareness and loyalty.

Product brochures

These physical or digital assets provide comprehensive information about your product or service, helping potential customers understand the benefits and unique selling propositions of your offerings.

In-store merchandising

This involves strategically placing products within a retail setting to draw attention and stimulate purchase.

This could include special displays, signage, or product demonstrations. The goal is to catch the consumer’s eye and entice them to buy or learn more about the product.

Marketers can control the awareness levels to a reasonable extent

Marketers have a reasonable level of control over brand awareness levels as they can influence awareness through the promotional mix and utilize the tactics of advertising, sales promotion, publicity, product placement, targeting online influencers, trade promotions, and so on.

Brand awareness levels should increase over time

Awareness benefits from a cumulative effect over time. For example, when a new brand or product first enters the market its level of awareness is quite low. This awareness will increase over time with the accumulated impact of advertising, word-of-mouth, retailer take-up, and so on.

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